Augustenborg Harbour is a natural harbour located in the innermost part of the fjord. It consists of a “longship quay”, which extends from the lock at the dam (Banegårdsgade) to the sailing club. At the sailing club you also find the friendly marina with facilities for sailors and visitors. The promenade by the marina leads to the Palace, the Palace Gardens, and the Forest.
When the Palace and the town were being built, there was a need for building materials, such as brick, lime, and timber, and these arrived by ship. Since then, the harbour has been used for loading and unloading other goods, such as grain, wood, and fruit. A lot of apples and other fruit used to be grown on Als which were often sold in Copenhagen or Flensburg. Augustenborg Butter was also produced, and it was a much sought-after brand in the capital.
Later, the harbour became an industrial harbour with large warehouses and silos for grain and feed. Today, the silo buildings are no longer in use, and the harbour is used by yachtsmen and recreational fishermen.
The marina continues along the dam where you can find two remarkable ships: the viking ship Sebbe Als and the Faroese boat Ottar. These two historic ships spend the winter in the boathouse Nausten on the north side of the fjord, where the Viking Ship Society is based.
It takes about five minutes to walk from the harbour to the town centre. Many people use the narrow alley Holzstaffel as a short cut to Slotsallé. If you follow the harbour quay to the east and cross the dam, you get to the Little Sea Path (Lillehavstien), which leads to Krumom, from where you can continue to Brovold and Mjang Dam.